Translator offices deal with a huge volume of Word. With TRADOS, the commissioning of a hand - pays for translation customers for previously translated words remain stored. Time something else - with TRADOS word count is not expensive, but cheaper with increasing globalization push more companies to new economic markets. The extensive high-quality offerings from around the world treat the target audience. Where the product or the service nothing is objectionable, nagging consumers sort out the foreign provider linguistic carelessness. Global communication Munich is consistently working with native speakers in 90 languages, to avoid such exclusion criteria. Its price has admitted.
But TRADOS helps maintain good quality affordable. This translator tool word count words that appear a second time, just another percentage calculated, a fourth or fifth time no longer be. The length of websites, marketing materials,. You need not to count, count out the eventual price savings for each target language to publications and much more. TRADOS with its"translation memory"function - especially for permanent projects exciting very often experienced global communication Munich in the event that a company first wants a single translation for market entry, but then would assign more projects due to the success. Here that proved"translation memory"function. The TRADOS tool keeps track of words that have been translated for the customers already in the target language. In addition to the price has a technical advantage: terminology per target language, even in prescribed dialect transmissions, always correctly used.
The Munich-based language service providers can use different speakers on a subsequent translation of the same industry for the same customers by the technical capabilities of TRADOS. Once perfectly transferred, the right word is also the next Translator in the memory version displayed and proposed for reuse. Repeat customer wins time because complicated terminology must be researched, not again and again. And money. Because the memory function evaluates the calculation according to the frequency of repetitions price descending.
But TRADOS helps maintain good quality affordable. This translator tool word count words that appear a second time, just another percentage calculated, a fourth or fifth time no longer be. The length of websites, marketing materials,. You need not to count, count out the eventual price savings for each target language to publications and much more. TRADOS with its"translation memory"function - especially for permanent projects exciting very often experienced global communication Munich in the event that a company first wants a single translation for market entry, but then would assign more projects due to the success. Here that proved"translation memory"function. The TRADOS tool keeps track of words that have been translated for the customers already in the target language. In addition to the price has a technical advantage: terminology per target language, even in prescribed dialect transmissions, always correctly used.
The Munich-based language service providers can use different speakers on a subsequent translation of the same industry for the same customers by the technical capabilities of TRADOS. Once perfectly transferred, the right word is also the next Translator in the memory version displayed and proposed for reuse. Repeat customer wins time because complicated terminology must be researched, not again and again. And money. Because the memory function evaluates the calculation according to the frequency of repetitions price descending.